Disaster recovery as a service

Making backups is important, but it is even more important to make sure that you can also restore the infrastructure from this backup. We often see that tests are limited to restoring a few files, a database or a few VMs. But when we talk about disaster recovery we assume that an entire infrastructure needs to be restored, on a new infrastructure.

To facilitate this, IT creation offers a DRaaS, a completely separate infrastructure where we restore your backups and test this entire process together annually. This way you can be sure that your organization can recover from disasters.

DRaaS at IT creation

  • Setting up a BaaS recovery component on the VMware Cloud Director infrastructure;
  • Monitoring the BaaS recovery component;
  • Resolving incidents relating to the total DRaaS solution as indicated by the monitoring;
  • Periodically implementing patches and updates within the maintenance window to DRaaS components;
  • Occasionally applying patches and updates to DRaaS components to close critical security vulnerabilities outside the maintenance window (emergency maintenance);
  • Providing annual assistance with a Disaster Recovery test
  • Only available in combination with Backup-as-a-Service;

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Necessary availability
Optimal and immediate availability of your business-critical data in the event of a major disaster.
Fully repairable
With Disaster Recovery, you are assured of fully recoverable data that seemed to be lost.
Limited investment
The investment in DRaaS compared to the permanent loss of your data is always justifiable.

How likely is it that something will go wrong?

One thing is certain, every organization will face unforeseen challenges that are difficult to predict in advance. How you respond to them and how you deal with them largely determines how successful your organization will be. The same applies to your IT infrastructure. There will always come a time when something unexpectedly stops or goes wrong.

By carefully considering all possible scenarios and risks in advance, and making appropriate Disaster Recovery provisions, you can act quickly in the event of unforeseen circumstances and ensure the continuity of your organisation and services.

Highest demands on security, privacy and compliance

The DRaaS services of IT creation meet the highest requirements of (information) security and are ISO certified. We see security as broader than an ISO certification and is more than a snapshot. Security is also in the so-called soft controls and is not a check in the box. It is a culture, team effort and a process of continuous optimization. Focus, priority, learning from incidents and investing a lot of time in the right culture are fixed parts of our business philosophy.

Gain more knowledge

Business Continuity plan: too important not to have

A Business Continuity plan can perhaps best be compared to fire insurance. Necessary to have, but hopefully you will never have to use it.

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Giving substance to Business Continuity

Business continuity starts with a plan, but it doesn't stop there. Its implementation is at least as important.

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Working on Business Continuity

Ensuring business continuity is important, but not always easy. Business continuity therefore goes much further than IT.

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Interested in a DRaaS solution?

Bas Schonck

Account Manager Managed

Contact me!